Friday, June 26, 2009

flirting or floating ?

tells you how much he loves you, adore you, care for you..

but ever he told you that he wanted a back up gf/bf, having sex with their lovable friend??



its all happen by nature.
same as treat you like a dog, do you like his/her sex servant.

there' s no reason for you to changed. you still won't be any different.
no matter how innocent you are or lovable you are, you still be hated.

oh baby!
i' ve given you the second. do me wisely.
opss! i forgot.
u never called me any cutie name [babe] !

>like i care!

point: don't treat them the same like you treat your partner. their 's heart that u' ve won first.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

blind folded.

some times life do suck when it comes to the end..
well, some times they'll pray for it to happen.
some how, things changes and so do ppl.

i'm getting really sick of what had happened to me..
crying, hoping here and there..
then i started to realize.
its all karma baby!

at that point, i swept my tears and all the garbage thingy that happened.
and waiting for the sun to shine again.
and i know not for now.
but soon or later, my wish will be granted.

thank god i'm alive and continued breathing.
for this second chance.
i will make it to the fullest.
i will..


Monday, February 23, 2009

fall for him.


ari nih tetibe aku bleh g library sesorang..
busan wehh..
dah la x tido..

sumpah mate rabak..

i fall for him.

ari neh ok je..
ade la saket ati here and there..
but almost ok..

ntah la.. aku maleh nk expect lebeh2..
yg mane x ok, ok kn je lah..
ape yg aku takot..
sume bende neh patah balek kt aku..
so x yah la nk bongkak sgt.
kalu tuhan nk tunjuk, Die tunjuk gak kn??
we just can wait and see.
craving for hope to shine again.
kalu betul.. what can i say??
x kn nk tolak takdir kot.
accept it and let it go.
tau la bukan sng..
tp berharap je la yg kite boleh buat..
kalu x, bersyukur..
its all mine.
tp kne gak be aware of some shitters.

dah la.. maleh dah aku neh..
ape nk jadi, jadi je la...
aku trime..

Saturday, February 21, 2009

involving chaos

21. 02. 09
tido lambat..
so bgun pon lambat..
hari ni ari sabtu..
tido g besh...

x kuar mane2 pon..
keje tido memanjang..
sumpah palotak neh dah jd bengap gila.

x bleh blah tgh mlm..
we were ym-ing..
die neh gile gak rupe nye..
bnyk bende kitorang sembang..
we have so much in common.
girl, sore u sexay bahh...

she is so sweet..

we haven't see eye to eye yet..
but i'm looking forward to meet her.

she's effe :D

then i found this amazing song..
sbb bru td je tgk princess diaries..
besh bodo lgu neh..
mampos ar nk ckp ape..


x yah nk metal sgtttttttttt...........


Thursday, February 19, 2009

stay in love???????

uhhh... nothing much fer today..
smlm aku tido 13 jam.
biol wehh...

lately i've heard sum stories about him..
x tau la nape sender tuh gtau aku..
mayb niat baek or buruk.
aku just hahhahaaahaa...
cos aku tau die cam ne..
i trust him too much??
so he deny that fact..
aku pon ok je laa..
nothing suspicious pon.

tp kekadang..
terpikir gak..
was he with some other girl
while i'm here sitting and snoring at the same time??

biar lah..
the truth doesn't smack at my face just yet.
kalu betol tuhan nk tunjuk, Die tunjuk kn an..

be realistic about it babe.

P/S: sayang, if u read this.. jgn pk bukan2. aku caye kt ko. and aku harap ko cam 2 gak kt aku yee..
and aku bakal ke sana nant.. rindu ko sayang!! muah666x. ilysdm.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

sad day

another sad day.

i'm ok now..
bout that 14.2...
arghh.. still haunted me..

skrg ok dah kot.
i've got nothing to say utk ari neh..
yg besh nye mkn mcd.
sangap mcd bhaii..

camera x dpt lg.
keje x de.
g kl baget x de..

hujung mggu nk bli baju.
tp duet x de..
cam gampang....

ari ni aku x contact sape2 pon..
not even him..
kedid x de ok.

duet2.. trun la kau dr langit..
hujan duet..... hujan duet...............

Friday, February 13, 2009

being dumped on valentine.

valentine's day.

at first i'm feeling ok jee..
rutin cam biase..

but when came to 3 or 4 a.m..
i'm feeling a bit shaky.
supposed ari ni die recording..
i think it didn't went well.
so he text me crazy messages..
ade la yg die x puas ati here and there about that recording..
i'm trying to calm him down..
by making some jokes and said that i've miss him so much..
turns out.
it getting worse..
he start cursing me with harsh words..
i'm ok. as a matter a fact, i'm used to it.

i didn't see it coming actually.
he said he's getting rid of me out of his life.
i was bumped and shocked.
who doesn't right??
well, i'm kindda ignore that question.
i'm not ready to answer it now.
my tears are dripping out of nowhere.
i didn't noticed it.

suddenly he called.
he start shouted at me like hell..
i was so quite.
then tutt..tutt..tuttt...

i've been a bad girlfriend.
i'm sorry. i'm so scared of letting you go.